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Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/24 – the results are in!

27 June 2024

Thank you to everybody who completed a Tenant Satisfaction (TSMs) Survey this year - a huge 4,343 people took part!!

Throughout the year, we carry out surveys to find out how happy our customers are with the way Torus delivers key services and maintains their homes. These surveys also collect the TSMs as required by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).

The TSMs were introduced by the RSH in April 2023. Every social housing provider must collect and publish the same information on important services like repairs, safety, and complaints. This allows tenants to understand how their landlord is performing against other housing providers.

Check out the 2023/24 results here

The survey is designed to be a snapshot and customers are chosen at random* to take part. The results, and the feedback gives us a clear understanding of what customers think of the services we provide and highlighted where we must focus more attention to improve. Read more about the TSMs and their purpose here.

*Sampling is used with quotas set on tenure, age group and geographical area to make sure we meet the Regulator’s requirements and gain views from a wide range of customers.

Your voice matters – get involved

Surveys are just one way we collect feedback and views from our customers. At Torus, we want the voices shaping our services to be as diverse as the communities we work in and welcome volunteers from all walks of life. If you – tenant, leaseholder, shared owner - would like to find out more about getting involved and giving your views please contact our friendly Tenant Voice (Customer Involvement) Team on 0800 678 1894 (Monday – Friday, 8am-8pm), use the online form or email

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