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Your local authority provides replacement bins, if you need a new bin or recycling container (St Helens only) please contact them directly.
We want to keep our estates as clean and tidy as possible and we take reports of littering and fly tipping on our land very seriously.
You can help us to reduce fly tipping by reporting it to us.
If you see fly tipping please contact us, speak to your Neighbourhood Officer or report it on our online form.
If you know who is responsible you can let us know in confidence.
For more information about fly tipping visit your local Council’s website:
There is no reason for anyone to dispose of items in this way as there are plenty of options for doing so in a responsible way.
If you have a car, you can take rubbish to a tip for free.
For more information about bulky waste removal visit your local Council’s website:
Lots of useful information on recycling, bin collections, replacement bins and arranging for bulky waste or large items to be collected is available on local Council’s website: