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Communal areas and green space maintenance

Our Communal and green space services and delivered by HMS our Group Contractor, and covers all of our estates. They make sure any internal communal areas are clean and safe, and that green spaces are well maintained for the benefit of residents and local wildlife.

  • What you can expect
  • Maintaining our green spaces

Our Communal Cleaning Service covers all of our estates. Our Environmental Team make sure any internal communal areas, in flat blocks for example, are clean, safe and accessible. Regular maintenance work and specific jobs include:

  • Cleaning of communal areas in blocks of flats
  • Insurance and safety checks in communal areas of blocks of flats
  • Removal of fly tipping and bulky items from Torus land

Our Greenspace Team ensure that the green areas of our neighbourhoods are tidy, attractive and contribute to wildlife sustainability. Their green fingers are responsible for:

  • Pruning plant beds
  • Clearing hard surfaces
  • Maintaining trees and shrubs
  • Managing communal grass areas
  • Removing litter
  • Cutting and edge trimming

Any issues, let us know

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