Updated: 18 December 2023
We want your voice at the heart of everything we do. Your thoughts, opinions and ideas can help shape our business, improve our services, strengthen our communities and create places and opportunities everyone can be proud of.
Whether you’re reviewing services, evaluating policies, looking at customer experience or improving our neighbourhoods, there are plenty of ways to have your say.
We value diversity and are keen to achieve diversity and inclusion in how we deliver customer involvement, find out about our current volunteer opportunities below.
You don’t need experience. All you need is a voice.
If you’re a Torus tenant or leaseholder and are interested in any of the opportunities on this page and are keen to get involved, or would like to know more, we’d love to hear from you.
Email tenantvoice@torus.co.uk or call 0800 678 1894 and ask to speak to the Tenant Voice team, who will get back to you within five working days.
Whether you’re a Torus tenant, resident, leaseholder, or shared owner, we encourage you to have your say by getting involved in any of the activities mentioned in this leaflet. Some of these opportunities are virtual and others face-to-face - contact us to find the right opportunity for you.
Find out more about the ways you can get involved in the NEW Tenant Voice Leaflet 2023 (accessible pdf).
Working alongside the Torus Group Board, and comprising of tenant volunteers, our LOC meets quarterly to focus on customer service standards and performance. Training provided.
Click here to find out more about the current LOC committee members
This panel will monitor and scrutinise Torus services, they will meet regularly to review findings and make recommendations for improvements to service delivery for all tenants.
A scrutiny group is a small group of residents who work independently to research a specific topic in depth to see if there are areas of improvement. These improvements could result in money saved, services changed or training programmes introduced. The purpose of our Scrutiny Group is to scrutinise and report on Torus’ services. It holds the Company to account by challenging Service Teams to improve performance by identifying areas for improvement and offering recommendations. The tenant's perspective is an important part of this process.
You will work alongside senior staff and tenant and leasehold representatives from across our three heartlands. The groups work is reported to the Landlord Operations Committee (LOC) who oversee and make decisions on local customer service standards and performance.
As a member of the group, you will:
We cover all reasonable out of pocket expenses.
Have your say on the services that matter to you by reviewing new or existing policies. This can be by an online form, a virtual session or in person.
This group meets regularly to cover a wide variety of topics, members will help us deliver first-class day-to-day repairs and planned maintenance service, by working with us to monitor the service and support Torus to raise standards and ensuring the provision of an efficient, consistent responsive repairs service which represents value for money for customers.
Plus the group discusses environmental and home initiatives, sharing ideas to improve the Torus Green agenda and creating sustainable homes and communities. And finally, talk about all things new-build, looking at specifications in new homes, new home user guides, standard house types and any other customer-focused development issues.
Support Torus to monitor and improve how customer complaints are handled. The panel will be involved in reviewing the complaints policy, looking at complaints journeys and supporting Torus to learn from complaints and improve the customer experience.
Help to ensure that all customer communication meets the needs of Torus’ customers in terms of content, tone, style and language. The group will meet bi-monthly online.
This group plays an important part in ensuring the services we provide meet the needs of our diverse communities. The group meets six times a year and helps to shape and improve Torus services.
Housing Teams in our Extra Care and Sheltered Schemes hold regular resident meetings, giving residents the opportunity to discuss issue and have their say on how their service is run. Meetings are held regularly in each scheme.
“I find that being on the Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) panel allows me to see what other tenant's experience when they apply for funding and the compassion and trust that they have in Torus that help keeps them involved with their communities.”.
Francis, Community Initiatives Fund
A group of volunteers who inspect all Torus services and report back on the strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. Training provided.
Test our services and help us improve. Choose how often you take part and where. As a Mystery Shopper, you’ll look at a variety of services like the Torus Customer Hub, logging repairs, making complaints, using online services and more.
Our closed Facebook Group is open to all tenants and leaseholders and gives you a chance to feedback on our services through the surveys and consultations that we post online. You can be as active as you like.
We regularly send out satisfaction surveys, usually after you’ve used one of our services. We also carry out The Tenant Perception Survey. Completing these surveys and letting us know about your experience plays a vital role in helping us improve.
Torus Foundation, Torus’s charitable arm, help fund community projects through their Community Investment Fund (CIF).
Our Community Investment Fund Panel meets regularly to review all CIF applications and help decide which will benefit Torus tenants and communities the most.
Join Torus Teams on your estates, for a range of community events, that identify issues and listen to concerns from residents. Dates and times are promoted to the individual community/estates.
"As I am disabled, I feel it is important that my voice is heard as I might be representing the views of others who are in the same position. I take part in Torus Talk and find it refreshing that a very diverse group of tenants can discuss issues affecting us. It’s great to know we are being listened to."
Maureen, Torus Talk
We don’t want anything to get in the way of you having your say on Torus-ran services. That’s why we are pleased to provide training for specific roles, as well as ongoing support from our Tenant Voice team.
We understand that not everyone has the right equipment or skills to volunteer their time virtually, so we will provide help to customer volunteers who would like to let involved to improve their digital skills and access equipment.
We don’t expect you to be out of pocket for helping us, so reasonable out of pocket expenses are covered.