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You Said, We Did

We value your feedback as it helps us to make improvements to our services!

  • Together with Tenants charter
  • Tenant Inspector feedback
  • Service improvements
  • Learning together

We are always trying to improve our services and achieve the highest standards possible for residents. We take your feedback and suggestions for improvement very seriously and always work to resolve issues and concerns as quickly as we can. In our efforts to be transparent and honest, we like to share what we’ve done to improve.

Here are a few of the ways you have helped recently:

Complaints and the Ombudsman – Scrutiny and Challenge Training for Involved Customers

In November 2023, involved customers and members of the Complaints and Scrutiny Panels, joined the Landlord Operations Committee (LOC) participated in a joint training session with Torus Board Members, Directors, and Senior Officers. They heard how Torus are ensuring we meet our commitments on complaints and Ombudsman cases.

The Panels and Committee members were able to question those present to gain confidence that our customers’ concerns are responded to and resolved in a timely way. They also heard how we will be learning from these, and how tenants, leaseholders and shared owners can get involved to improve our approach.

PRESENTATION: Role of Housing Ombudsman, Complaints Team and Tenants in addressing dissatisfaction and learning from experience (pdf)

Contact us at for more information on how to get involved so you don’t miss the next opportunity to have your say.

Following the principles of the ‘Together with Tenants’ Charter

Between July and December 2021, Torus carried out three consultation sessions with involved tenants from across all three heartlands regarding the Torus adoption of the Charter commitments. Click here to find out more about the Charter and what they felt worked well, what could be improved and what we are doing based on the feedback.

Tenant Inspectors feedback reports – they said, we did

Our Tenant Inspectors inspect and mystery shop our services and report on how we’re doing and then feedback on what they find, to identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. Click here to view their reports and what has changed or being reviewed based on their feedback.


UPDATED: 18 February 2025

Here are some highlights from 2023/24


Number of customers participating

Aims & Objectives


Online portal accessbility  8 members of our Scrutiny Panel To improve the difficulties in signing up for the portal, following customer feedback.

Involved customers tested the re-launched customer portal for accessibility and ease of use in November 24, prior to the re-launch.

ID badges of subcontractors Diversity and Inclusion Panel

Addressing subcontractors not wearing / showing ID badges, turning up in unbranded vans or wearing no branded uniform.  

HMS are currently rolling out advice sessions with subcontractors, reinforcing required service standards and ID policy.

EasyRead complaints leaflet Diversity and Inclusion Panel
The panel requested sight of the EasyRead Complaints leaflet.
Torus now has an EasyRead version of the Complaints Policy which is on the website and has been shared with this panel.
Website content Scrutiny Panel
To look at the website content to ensure it is customer-friendly.
The website is being reviewed to look at language.
Draft Repairs and Maintenance Policy 5 members of our Repairs and Maintenance Panel
Tenants reviewed draft Repairs and Maintenance policy

Tenants were consulted on the draft policy and provided feedback and suggestions to include in the final version for approval by LOC.

Repairs customer journey 9 members of our Repairs and Maintenance Panel

Tenants wanted to understand more about repairs and the customer journey.

Tenants attended HMS Headquarters (Stonebridge) to speak about complaints, repairs and improving the customer journey.

Customer Hub call handling  8 members of our Complaints Panel Tenants requested a visit to the Customer Hub to witness call handling.

Tenants spent the day at the Customer Hub listening to calls, asking questions and looking at what makes a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ call.

Complaints process 4 members of our Complaints Panel

Members of the Complaints Panel agreed a refresher on the end to end complaints process would be helpful.

Tenants attended an end to end Complaints Panel session in order to understand the customer journey and complaints process and tenants identified areas were the complaints process could be improved.

48-hour complaints Complaints panel Tenants had a discussion around the 48-hour contact on complaints. Text message states that the complainant will receive a call within 2 working days. It was agreed that this doesn’t happen, and an email is sent in its place.

The wording on the text messages has been changed to reflect this and ensure clear communication around complaint response times.

You said, we did archive


Number of customers participating

Aims & Objectives


Reviewing Torus approach to dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Scrutiny Panel & Tenant Inspectors To increase customer satisfaction with the Safer Estates service and how Torus responds to ASB to improve customers satisfaction.

Customers identified issues with how satisfaction is measured using the delighted text feedback surveys – wording was considered too generic and did not link to ASB case handling.

Customers identified that communication was a significant driver of dissatisfaction – the procedure to deal with ASB was changed to increase the frequency of contact keeping complainants better informed of progress.

These changes have resulted in an increase in satisfaction.

Shaping Torus’ approach to Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Code of Practice and how we were responding to Ombudsman findings LOC & Scrutiny Panel

To improve the response to the Code and Ombudsman finding to improve customers satisfaction. Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Code of Practice

Influence the introduction of a new Complaints Learning Officer to focus on identifying trends and themes from complaints and embedding learning to improved response to customers.

Ensured that tenant, leaseholder, and other customers voices were heard in this process, with members assured that resources had been made available to address customer complaints, learn from these and embed that learning across the organisation.

Responsive Repairs & Maintenance Policy Review 7 Involved Tenants were consulted on a revised Responsive Repairs and Maintenance Policy. Tenants’ views helped to shape the policy to focus expenditure on setting priorities and planning work for better value for money.
Sharing Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results with customers 9 For tenants to share their preference on how the TSM results were formatted and shared to ensure that customers with a range of abilities are best able to challenge our performance based on what they tell us. Tenants felt that pictograms and images along with colour coding would really help those with additional / neurodiverse needs to review and understand the information to ensure that customers with a range of abilities are best able to challenge our performance based on what they tell us.
Assets Planned Investment Planning in Torus Homes 9 Tenants have developed the rules for how home improvement works will be prioritised, giving feedback on tenant choices such as bathrooms and kitchens (known as components).

Tenants agreed the rules on how work would take plan in geographic areas which have been identified as those most in need for home improvements - kitchens, bathrooms, electrical works, windows and doors, new boilers, roofs etc. – meaning that some homes will feature in the plan for one or more item.

Tenants agreed to limiting choices e.g., number of worktops choices for a new kitchen would ensure better value for money and in the future, reduce waiting times for replacement matching components thus improving tenant satisfaction.

Vulnerability & Reasonable Adaptations Strategy review 7

Customers looked at how Torus could adapt access to services for customers with a vulnerability.

Tenant feedback has changed the way Torus think about vulnerability from physical, evidenced ‘traditional’ understanding to a more self-identifying, transient, ‘flex’ approac. to what vulnerability is. Tenants identified that easy read documents would help make our policies more accessible to all. First leaflet produced – How to Make a Complaint, 

Under One Roof Allocations Policy Diversity Panel & Scrutiny Panel The Diversity and Inclusion Panel reviewed the allocations policy to ensure it is fair and equitable offering and reviewed supporting documents to ensure they were easy to understand.

The Scrutiny Panel considered the revised Allocations Policy for St Helens, Under One Roof.

Tenants agreed the policy but identified that the website, application form and letters which support the policy are hard to follow and understand and can be a barrier to those wishing to apply for housing.

  • The lettings page on the Torus website was amended to be easier to navigate and language easier to understand.

The following changes were suggested to the Allocations Policy for St Helens

  • The term ‘intended impact’ was amended as hard to understand.
  • Clarity made around applicants aged 16-18 and need for an appropriate guarantor.
  • A shorter, easier to understand version with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) section produced.
Customer Experience Strategy 2024 - 2027 6

Customers gave feedback on how Torus could improve how customers can access services quickly and in a way that reflects their needs.

Work remains ongoing – practice suggestions have included:

Changes needed to Customer Hub recorded phone message. This led to a full Tenant Inspection / Scrutiny-LOC Review which, improvements include:

  • Bring the most common reason for a call to the front of these messages
  • Reduce messages where possible to reduce customer wait times
  • Provide more ‘call back’ lines where a Torus call handler calls you back for busy periods to reduce customers time waiting on the line to speak to a call handler

Tenants advised that employees dealing with customers should be trained to deal sensitively with subjects which may arise. As a result, we have selected a trainer and designed a Customer Excellence Training Programme which all 1,800 colleagues will go through. Tenants will evaluate the training in June 2024 with a view to the programme starting in July 2024. 

Customer Service Excellence Training Recruitment
1 An involved tenant joined interview panel which chose preferred trainer and will inform the content of the course.

The presence of an Involved Tenant on the Recruitment Panel has helped ensure the trainer selected reflects customer concerns in the content of this training.

1,800 Torus employees will go through this training.

Customer Service Excellence Award
6 Tenants interviewed by panel judging HMS application for renewal of their Customer Excellence Award.
Tenants were able to give their views of the service provided by HMS to an independent assessor, holding them to account for their performance and ensuring a focus on what matters to tenants, leaseholders, and other customers.
Tenant Voice Strategy
9 Tenants were consulted on why involvement mattered, what works about involvement now and what they would like to see change in the period 2024-2027.

Tenants suggested that the strategy should reflect the need to listen to their views, act upon them and change services in response.

These three strands form the basis of the new strategy helping to direct how tenants, leaseholders, shared owners, and other customers can have a real say in how Torus provide services and are held to account for their performance and describing the ways to get involved at a time and level that suits you.

Better Social Housing Annual Review
7 Customers were asked to reflect on how they believe Torus are doing across a range of performance areas in the Better Social Housing Annual Review.
The Better Social Housing Annual Review is a key part of testing how Torus are delivering services. Tenants helped to write this key document and their views informed the action plan which will help us to improve over the next year.
New Consumer Standards consultation
8 Customers joined a nationwide consultation by the Regulator for Social Housing which led to revised regulatory standards.

Tenants’ participation in this consultation means that their views helped to inform not just how Torus is regulated, but all social housing providers.

They helped to set the standards against which we and all other social housing providers are judged by the Government.

This judgement determines an organisations standing.


Number of customers participating

Aims & Objectives


Complaints Panel


To improve complaints handling

To ensure tenants are part of the co-regulatory service delivery model

To drive change and raise standards for tenants

All tenants are now given a reference number when a call is logged. This makes sure enquiries can be directed to the right person

To make it easier for tenants to find information on complaints we have:

  • Included a direct link to complaints information on our website homepage 
  • Included Housing Ombudsman information on all Torus documents
  • Included a QR code on documents so tenants can scan this and go directly to complaints information

Damp and mould review


Full scrutiny review of the customer journey when reporting damp and mould

Challenging the process to ensure it is fit for purpose and meets tenants’ needs

Benchmarking services against 38 similar housing associations

  • Our Damp & Mould Policy was amended following tenant feedback
  • Information on damp and mould was revised to let tenants know how to report a case of disrepair, what we will do to sort the problem
  • A newsletter was sent to all tenants in summer 2023 with information on damp and mould reporting
  • Surveyors from different areas of the business have been brought in to cover damp and mould surveys, to makes sure these happen within 10 days of the first report
  • Post inspections will take place on all completed damp and mould repairs
  • A new approach has been adopted based on “See it, Report it, Resolve it”, educating staff to support customers and be proactive and helpful at all times

Following the review, the Scrutiny Panel members agreed:

  • The Information they received during the review was clear and precise
  • They had received enough information to decide regarding the review
  • The Damp and Mould Action Plan is robust enough and fit for purpose to combat issues and complaints of damp and mould 
  • That customers were communicated with.

Involved customers satisfaction feedback survey


5 surveys:

  • CIF panel
  • Torus Talk
  • Scrutiny Panel
  • Tenant Inspectors
  • Involved customers

Involved customers received 32 responses:

  • 81% were satisfied with opportunities available to them
  • 84% felt their involvement can make a difference
  • 3.91 (out of 5) satisfaction that the Tenant Voice team communicates effectively with them
  • IT equipment was provided to involved tenants to allow greater participation in online meetings/groups and to research best practice.
  • Training was provided to allow better understanding of Torus services.
  • Feedback was considered as part of the Tenant Voice Strategy review 2023-26.

Anonymous survey responses:

“It gives me as a tenant my chance to say what is working and what is not so improvements can be made.”    

“Our views and recommendations are listened to. I believe our input is vital.”    

Torus new website design
development, design, content & approval


To give customers the opportunity to influence design, workability, accessibility, and content of the new Torus website via comments and feedback

  • Language is free of jargon and has been customer approved. 
  • Clear signposts point customers directly to support available. 
  • An interactive virtual assistant provides visitors with an experience that is tailored to them.
  • Contact information is clear and easier to find.
  • The website works for all different types of devices.
  • There are multiple ways to find information, including a menu, large navigation buttons and an intelligent search function.
  • Information on ‘Council issues’ is easier to find, with sections re. pests, bins, fly-tipping etc.
  • ReachDeck, a digital inclusion toolbar, makes content more accessible for people with dyslexia, literacy challenges, English as a second language, and mild visual impairments.
  • Colour combinations were chosen to be suitable for people with eye issues.

Customer Annual Report 2021/22


Involved tenants completed a survey to get feedback on the content, relevance, and style of the annual report

  • Some sections were reduced in size or removed.
  • Jargon and unfamiliar terms were removed or explained
  • Information was put into smaller sections.

Electrical Safety Policy


Survey was made available to all customers, along with a meeting of involved tenants

More explanation for some technical areas.

Consultation & Engagement Event

Number of tenants participating

Aims & Objectives


Diversity And Inclusion Group


Tenant led meeting to discuss framework, terms of conditions, roles, timeframes for Diversity and Network group

Tenants set the priorities and agreed the terms of reference for the new Tenant Diversity & Inclusion group.

Community Investment Fund meetings x 3


Evaluation of the grants process via feedback from tenants

Tenants provided feedback on current Community Investment Fund which has been used to design a new process to keep what is working well and identify areas for improvement

Repair & Maintenance panel


Repairs service update, performance and tenant satisfaction information

Tenants scrutinised repairs performance, challenges staff on tenant satisfaction and received information on the actions in place to improve performance.

Torus new website design
development, design, content & approval


Tenants consulted and provided comment and feedback on the proposed new single Torus website.

Tenant feedback used to inform the development of the new website. You can read the full ‘you said, we said’ feedback report here.

Housing White Paper tenant satisfaction measures and consumer standards


Gather tenant feedback on the current tenant satisfaction measures and consumer standards to report to the regulator

Torus tenants contributed to the Regular of Social Housings consultation on the proposed Tenant Satisfaction Measures raising concerns about gaps in the proposed measures which the regulator is currently considering.

Customer Access consultation


Tenant feedback on the draft Customer Access strategy

Tenants provided feedback on the Customer Access Strategy to ensure it is accessible, clear and informative. Tenant feedback was used to review the strategy before it was published.

TPAS training


Equality & Diversity training for tenants

Tenants attended training with TPAS to increase their knowledge, awareness and ability to hold Torus to account.

Mystery Shopping


To establish the customer experience of reporting a repair with Torus and make recommendations to improve service

Tenants provided feedback on the customer journey to support a review of processes to assess what worked well and what needed to improve.

Electrical Safety Policy review


Tenant review of draft policy

Tenants were consulted on the draft policy and provided feedback and suggestions to include in the final version for approval by LOC.

Damp & Mould policy review


Tenant review of draft policy

Tenants were consulted on the draft policy and provided feedback and suggestions to include in the final version for approval by LOC.

Torus Customer Service Standards


Tenant consultation to develop up to date service standards for each service area

Tenants were consulted on the draft policy and provided feedback and suggestions to include in the final version for approval by LOC

Tenant Training


Bespoke training for tenants to support their skills for further involvement

Tenants attended training with TPAS to increase their knowledge, awareness and ability to hold Torus to account

Social Housing Quality Resident Panel


Expressions of interest from residents to join Government national housing panel

Tenants invited to apply to join the Social Housing Quality Residents Panel



Tenants’ discussion and case study

Tenants provided feedback and agreed good practice principals which will be shared with staff and used in communications to wider tenants



Reviewing past 12 months achievements and developing forward plan for 2022/23

Tenants received feedback on how their scrutiny review had changes services

  • Customer Service standards developed
  • Increased resources in central Complaints Team
  • New process in place in improve Learning form Complaints

Introduction of a Tenant Complaints Panel

Community Investment Fund Policy and Budget Review


Review regarding changes to CIF budget, policy and process

Tenant approved amendments to the CIF criteria and process.

Tenant Inspectors


Tenant led inspection of lettable void properties in relation to the Torus Empty Homes Standard

Assets Team have reviewed the feedback and are developing an action plan to drive service improvements

Tenant Voice Satisfaction survey - Involved tenants


Feedback from involved tenants on their experience of the Tenant Voice opportunities

The feedback will be used to inform the revised Tenant Voice Strategy.

Tenant Voice Satisfaction survey – Torus Talk


Feedback from Torus Talk members on their experience of the Tenant Voice opportunities

The feedback will be used to improve Torus Talk and improve opportunities for engagement.

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Ways to get involved

Together with Tenants

Torus Talk

Give your views online

Consultations, Opportunities and Projects

Tenant Inspectors