Torus involved customer speaks at Resident Voice Panel away day for Regenda to share best practice
10 July 2023
Torus tenant and long serving volunteer, Ray Jones from Liverpool was invited to be a guest speaker at Regenda’s Residents Voice Panel away day. The event was hosted at the historic Trafford Hall near Chester. Ray shared his journey as a tenant volunteer explaining why resident voice is important to him as part of Regenda’s review of their resident voice framework.

Ray who has been a tenant for 15 years and is a former tenant member of the Torus Landlord Operations Committee (LOC) and a member of the National Tenant Advisory Panel for the National Housing Association, joined Regenda at the National Communities Resource Centre (NCRC) in Chester.
As part of the day, Ray spoke to them about his journey, why he got involved, some of the roles he has had, the impact tenant involvement has had and his aspirations and ambitions for the future.
In attendance were five Regenda Homes tenants, two Redwing residents, two Board Members and four members of staff, including Regenda’s Director of Innovation & Brand, Nina Peters, who said:
“Regenda are currently in the process of reviewing our resident voice framework and are looking at other Housing Associations to learn from good practice and to get inspiration.
“Our Residents Voice Panel has been up and running for approximately 12 months and we felt that they would benefit from hearing from a resident who has been contributing to involvement with their landlord for several years, we were very pleased to welcome Ray and listen to his story.”

“I was more than happy to attend as it was an ideal opportunity to widen the scope of resident involvement across the housing sector as well as an opportunity to fly the flag for Torus.
“I would thank Regenda for their hospitality, the enthusiasm of their board members and residents’ panels, it was a very positive day.”
Get involved
At Torus, we want the voices shaping our services to be as diverse as the communities we work in and welcome volunteers from all walks of life.
If you are a tenant or leaseholder (including Shared Owner) and would like to find out more about getting involved and giving your views please contact our friendly Tenant Voice (Customer Involvement) Team on 0800 678 1894 (Monday – Friday, 8am-8pm), email or use the online form.