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Following the principles of the ‘Together with Tenants’ Charter

27 July 2022

We strive to develop good relationships with our customers to get you involved in helping us to shape the services that we provide. By listening we gain a better understanding of your needs and views.

In early 2019 Torus became an early adopter of the ‘Together with Tenants’, a sector-wide initiative from the National Housing Federation (NHF), the voice of housing associations in England, which focused on strengthening the relationship between residents and housing providers to create positive relationships with customers.

The charter focuses on health and safety and customer involvement in how we deliver their services. It builds on the themes of a continued strong focus on Health and Safety and placing a greater emphasis on tenant satisfaction, engagement and how we listen to our tenants in the delivery of our services.

In November 2020 the Government published a White Paper entitled ‘The Charter for Social Housing Residents’, which outlined their short- and long-term plans for social housing, including making major reforms to support housing customers in England. The White Paper underpins the National Housing Federation’s ‘Together with Tenants’ Charter and will allow for significant positive change for customers.

The Together with Tenants Charter

Drawn up in consultation with social housing customers, including those from Torus, the Together with Tenants charter aims to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing association landlords.

Torus and other Housing associations that adopt the charter commit to:

  1. Relationships – Housing associations will treat all residents with respect in all of their interactions. Relationships between residents and housing associations will be based on openness, honesty and transparency.
  2. Communication – Residents will receive clear, accessible and timely information from their housing association on the issues that matter to them, including important information about their homes and local community, how the organisation is working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about performance on key issues.
  3. Voice and influence – Views from residents will be sought and valued and this information will be used to inform decisions.
  4. Accountability – Collectively, residents will work in partnership with their housing association to independently scrutinise and hold their housing association to account for the decisions that affect the quality of their homes and services.
  5. Quality – Residents can expect their homes to be good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.
  6. When things go wrong – Residents will have simple and accessible routes for raising issues, making complaints and seeking redress. Residents will receive timely advice.

Consulting tenants

Between July and December 2021, Torus carried out three consultation sessions with involved tenants from across all three heartlands regarding the Torus adoption of the Charter commitments, to find out what worked well and what could be improved.

Talking about the consultation, Janine Greenall, Torus Service Lead Tenant Voice, said:

“We believe this is a valuable initiative as the emphasis of putting tenants at the heart of how social housing is very much aligned with Torus priorities. We already have a clear vision for tenant engagement, with Tenant Voice, a dedicated team of staff and involved customers, which looks to ensure that tenants are at the heart of everything we do.”

This is what our tenants said:

What works well?

Voice and Influence

“There are lots of opportunities for all tenants to be involved.”

“We are kept well informed though policy reviews.”

“I feel confident in holding Torus to account and that my opinions are listened to, I find if staff are aware of your personal circumstances they do best to help, and my point of view is taken into account.”

“Torus are one of the better landlords and the Tenant Voice team do offer tenants a wide range of options to get involved and have their say.”

“Torus provide comprehensive support to involved tenants, they are always available to help, guidance and training is excellent.”

“I have received a laptop from Torus, receive quality digital training and the ongoing support is excellent so I find it now much easier to attend online meetings which I enjoy very much, I’m now much more confident in raising issues with Torus.”


“There is a wide range of options available to contact Torus, they can contact the Torus Hub, write a letter, email in enquires and request support or advice.”

“The websites and social media forums Torus use, Torus use social media well, giving access to a wide range of information including the tenant’s online portal.”

“Issues with repairs were dealt with in a professional manner, staff were exceptional and kept me fully informed on progress throughout.”

“I have received timely responses, majority of staff are knowledgeable, helpful and I appreciate their hard work.”


“Torus staff are broadly helpful and professional.”

“Torus response to COVID was exceptional, residents received wellbeing phone calls and a range of support, Torus did more than other landlords to support vulnerable, isolated and elderly residents.”

When things go wrong

“Torus promote the complaints process and Housing Ombudsman service well.”

“You can always get to speak to a manager or named officer if you need help.”


“My home is well maintained by Torus, and I accept there are some repairs that I as a tenant are responsible for, in general terms quality excellent.”

“Improvements especially kitchens and bathrooms have been carried out to a high standard.”


“The annual report highlights how tenants can contact Torus and hold them accountable

I feel confident in holding Torus to account and that my opinions are listened to, I find if staff are aware of your personal circumstances they do best to help, and my point of view is taken into account.”

What can we improve?


You said

We did, we are doing

Voice & Influence

“Increase Diversity & Inclusion, ensuring involved customers are representative of Torus customers.”

“More young people including young families need to be encouraged to get more involved and have their say how Torus works for them.”

  • Set up a new Tenant Diversity & Inclusion panel.
  • Introducing new ways to get involved and have your voice heard, including the Greener Initiatives Panel and Development Panel – find out more Ways to Get Involved Leaflet.
  • Tenant Voice roadshows in community venues libraries, Firefit, community venues and impact days.
  • Review Tenant Voice strategy.

“Take time to listen to customers to build a strong relationship.”

“Build on the positive online engagement and use of technology.”

  • Offers a range of ways for customers to get involved and have their voice heard.

    Tenants are provided with support, training and equipment to enable them to get involved.

    Customer Satisfaction surveys are carried out to monitor satisfaction with services.

  • Torus continues to offer digital equipment and training to involved tenants.


“Improve communication with tenants.”

“Improve communication between Torus teams.”

  • Worked with customers to develop new Torus Service Standards, with clear timescales for staff to respond to customer queries, launched July 2022.
  • Focus group with tenants to discuss how we can improve communication.
  • New single website for all Torus tenants, developed in consultation with involved customers, due to launch Summer/Autumn 2022.
  • Torus receptions have reopened post COVID in February 2022 to allow more face-to-face contact. 
  • Delivering impact days in communities – giving customers the opportunities to speak to Torus staff face-to face to discuss issues.
  • Scrutiny Panel review of communication and recommendations made to develop Customer Service Standards, which can be viewed here.
  • Increase opportunities for joint working and deliver Customer First training sessions to Torus staff.

“Present complex information in a way that is easier for tenants to understand.”

  • Torus staff are encouraged to communicate using plan English and make reasonable adjustments to respond to individual requests.
  • Tenant to be involved in testing the new website, which will feature the ‘Reachdeck’ accessibility panel.

“Ensure there are a range of ways to contact Torus which includes digital and face-to-face.”

  • Customer can contact Torus by phone, email, online and now face to face at customer receptions, which re-opened following COVID in February 2022.
  • Neighbourhood Teams regularly visit, and a programme of impact days has been launched across all Torus areas.


“Staff should always be professional and show respect to customers by being open and transparent and keeping promises.”

“Improve staff knowledge of all areas where Torus has properties.”

  • Ongoing training for staff
  • New Customer Service standards introduced in July 2022, following consultation with customers, with performance against these to be monitor and published.
  • Further staff training.

When things go wrong

“Improve complaint handling.”

“Support tenants who may find it difficult to raise their complaint.”

“Ensure customer know how to complain.”

  • Complaint Handling procedure reviewed.
  • Customer satisfaction survey introduced.
  • Training for all Complaint Managers.
  • Complaint letter explains how customers can escalate their complaint.
  • New Landlord Complaints Team introduced in January 2022, to support an improved customer focused complaints management process and a need for all complaint managers to improve the speed and the way in which we deal with customers.
  • New Customer Complaints Panel to introduced to improve how Torus responds to and learns form complaints to improve the customer experience
  • Complaint’s procedure updated to ensure it is accessible and complaint with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code.
  • Customer made aware of their right to contact the Ombudsman as any stage in the complaints process.
  • Customers involved in reviewing the complaints page on the website.
  • Staff trained in complaint handling
  • Information on how to make a complaint available on the website and promoted regularly in customer communications including monthly eNewsletter, social media and in supported living schemes and by phone from the Customer Hub.


“Ensure customer queries get to the right person to respond.”

“Ensure customer moving into new build properties receive a good standard of service and issues are resolved.”

“Ensure properties are clean and safe when new tenants move in.”

“Ensure green spaces are well maintained.”

“Communal areas need to be clean and well maintained.”

  • Training for the Torus Customer Hub.
  • Process in place to request call-backs from the relevant team.
  • Torus Development team and Customer Care Manager assist tenants moving into new properties to ensure any issues are quickly resolved.
  • Torus has an agreed standard when letting properties. Tenant Inspectors will review how we are meetings this standard.
  • Torus has Service Standards for grounds maintenance. Tenant Inspectors will review how we are meetings this standard.
  • Torus has service standards for communal areas. Tenant inspectors will review how we are meetings this standard.


“Ensure all tenants including those with a disability are able to hold Torus to account.”

“Ensure documents providing information on Torus performance are easy to read and less corporate and avoid jargon.”

  • Wide range of ways for tenants to get involve, including a new diversity panel.
  • Housing Diversity Network assessment to identify and gaps and areas for improvement including staff training.
  • Tenants are involved in reviewing and approving the Annual Report, policies and a range of customer communication.

At Torus, we want the voices shaping our services to be as diverse as the communities we work in and welcome volunteers from all walks of life. To find out more contact the Tenant Voice team on 0800 678 1894, email or visit our Tenant Voice page.

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