Torus Foundation showcases impact at conference focusing on young people's health
09 March 2023
Health and Wellbeing being one of Torus Foundation’s key areas of support, it was a great opportunity this week, to be a part of the first conference held by the Beyond Children and Young Person’s Transformation Programme for Cheshire and Merseyside.
Since 2022, the Foundation has worked closely with the Programme thanks to being awarded funding grants towards two key health initiatives; the Indoor Air Quality Project and Parent Champions*.
With the conference putting a spotlight on children and young people's health, the Torus group was delighted to sponsor such an important event.
Cath Murray-Howard, Group Chief Operating Officer for Torus explains,
"Health is one of Torus’ six themes that support the Group's mission of 'growing stronger communities' and we're committed to delivering housing solutions that provide so much more than just a home."
Kate Shone, Managing Director for Torus Foundation was invited to present how housing and health are working together to benefit communities and comments,
“As well as being able to demonstrate the impact that has been made so far thanks to funding, the conference also provided a great platform to help raise awareness of the opportunities Torus Foundation, the wider Torus Group and other partners can create through collaborative working.”
Jordan Brown, Healthy Neighbours Programme Manager was joined by other Foundation representatives to showcase some of the work taking place across Torus communities that focuses on young people and their families. Jordan adds,
“With the help of Beyond Transformation’s funding, it has allowed the Foundation to commission work with a number of fantastic local organisations, helping us to reach more people with support.”

*In April 2022, the Programme provided £68k towards the Air Quality Project. A number of Torus homes across Liverpool, St Helens and Warrington, with children in the home, were provided with one of 200 air quality devices to help look at the quality of air of their environment.
The monitors, which are still in use, are tracking such things as dust, humidity, airborne chemicals from every day household products and more. Anonymous data is being collected for research and participants will also be given a report with practical hints and tips to make improvements to their indoor air.
In October 2022, the Programme provided £36k to help Torus Foundation recruit Volunteer Parent Champions to support the Healthy Neighbours, Healthy Lungs project in Warrington.
The Foundation understands that having a child with breathing problems can be a very distressing time for families, parents and guardians. Through support sessions, Parent Champions have recently started welcoming those looking for extra help, by signposting to information, community activities and by kindly sharing their own experiences looking after a child with respiratory problems.
If you have any questions relating to the above health initiatives, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with
If you have queries about the wider work delivered from Torus Foundation, please email
Click here to find out how housing and health are working together.