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Torus shows support for ASB Awareness Week 2022

14 July 2022

Torus has joined a national campaign to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) and keep people in our communities safe.

Running from July 18 to 22, ASB Awareness Week 2022 aims to encourage communities to take a stand against ASB and highlight the actions that can be taken by those experiencing it.

Organised by Resolve, the UK’s leading ASB and community safety organisation, the week features a series of events all across the UK involving Councils, Police Forces, Housing Associations, charities, community groups and sports clubs.

As a responsible landlord, over the week we will be supporting the Safer Community Teams in our three heartlands, Liverpool, St Helens and Warrington, to provide a presence in areas, which are known to have higher levels of ASB, working with our local partners, including the Local Authority, Police and Fire Service, our Safer Estate Compliance Officers will be talking to local residents to identify any concerns and providing advice on how to report ASB and what support is available.

Recent YouGov research commissioned by Resolve found that more than half of people (56%) believe that ‘more needs to be done’ to tackle ASB in their community. However, after they witnessed or experienced ASB, a similar proportion of the public (57%) said that they did not report it to anyone.

Get involved

To support the campaign, Torus’ Safer Estates Teams across all our three heartlands will join partners from the Community Safety Partnership to engaging with local residents and business.

This year, our focus is on Liverpool, where we will join our local partners – LCC Safer and Stronger Communities Team (SSCT), LCC Streetscene Services (LSSL), LCC Private Sector Housing (PSH), Police, Fire Service and Ward Councillors* – to promote being a good neighbour, carry out home safety checks, environmental clean-up, tackling dog-fouling including stencilling, how to report ASB and much more**.

  • Monday 18 July, 10am – 12.30pm @ Picton / Smithdown Streets
  • Tuesday 19 July, 10am – 12.30pm @ St Cyrils Social Club, Southbrook Rd
  • Wednesday 20 July, 10am – 12.30pm @ Garston / Window Lane, Harbour Drive
  • Thursday 21 July, 10am – 12.30pm @ Anfield / Oakfield Rd
  • Friday 22 July, 10am – 12.30pm @ Yew Tree /Colwell Road, Gainsford Road

Commenting, Torus Service Lead for Safer Estates, Scott Cooke said:

“This is an important week for Torus as it helps to shine a spotlight on the tireless work that we do to ensure that our communities are thriving and safe places to live, where people are proud of their neighbourhoods.

“Anti-social behaviour can be damaging, and we are keen to ensure that concerns and issues raised by our residents are investigated and tackled. We strengthen our ability to resolve ASB by working closely with key partners to ensure that we get the best possible results. We have a zero tolerance when it comes to ASB.

“Our Safer Estates team will be in your area during this week to highlight the work we do to make our communities safer.”

Rebecca Bryant OBE, Chief Executive of Resolve added:

“ASB is not low-level crime. It can have a long-lasting impact on the lives of victims and communities and can be a precursor to more serious crime.

“It is important that the challenge of ASB continues to be given the priority it needs so that people everywhere feel safe in their homes and communities.

“We are delighted that Torus is supporting this hugely important campaign. It is vital to develop partnership approaches across communities to deal with the growing challenges around ASB.”

Delivery of an effective, efficient and responsive ASB Service is a major customer and regulatory priority for Torus. To meet this priority, it is important that Torus maximises its partnership approach working with agencies such as the Police, local Fire & Rescue Services and Local Authority community safety partnerships and support agencies.

In 2021/22:

  • 2,020 ASB cases opened
  • 8 Possession Notices served
  • 4 Outright Possession Orders
  • 11 Injunctions
  • 3 Evictions related to ASB

Don’t suffer in silence

Torus urges its customers not to suffer in silence if they experience ASB. If you need to report ASB please call 0800 678 1894, email or use the online form on and to call the Police on 999 if people feel that they are at immediate risk or in danger.

Find out more about ASB here.

For more information about ASB Awareness Week – visit

*Partner attendance may vary, not all partners will be at all events **activities may vary at different locations

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