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STAR 2021/22: Tenants and Residents Feedback Survey

28 October 2021

Between November 2021 and September 2022, we will be carrying out our STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents) survey.

Over this period, we are asking our tenants and leaseholders to have their say and share their views on the services we provide.

The STAR survey is used nationally by many housing organisations to understand the thoughts, feelings and opinions of residents, which is critical in delivering a high-quality service. The STAR Survey allows us to align our services with the values of our customers, whilst benchmarking against other providers to ensure that we are providing the best service that we can.

Group Head of Performance and Risk, Cath Lawrenson, tells us about the importance of the survey and why it is important for tenants and leaseholders to take part:

“Tenants are at the heart of everything that we do, and their valued opinions are critical in helping to drive our services to be the best that they can be and shape our priorities to match their values.

“We use the results from the survey to identify what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong and implement change to improve our overall service. It’s another way for Torus to listen to our customers, and benchmark against other providers in a consistent and measurable way, to make regular improvements and to achieve best practice.

“The introduction of the Government White Paper ‘The Charter for Social Housing Residents’, which has introduced a stronger emphasis on tenant involvement and we want to empower our tenants to be involved in change, act when you they are unhappy, and be transparent about our performance.

“The STAR Survey is a great opportunity for tenants to use their voice and to share their opinions and tell us what they want from their landlord. The feedback received from the STAR survey will be used to implement change across the group.”

As previous years, we are using an independent research company, a trusted third party based in Birmingham, called IFF-Voluntas, to carry out a survey on our behalf. They will be contacting a sample of 6,000 customers.

Tenants and leaseholders have the opportunity to play a big part in shaping our services. The results of the survey are confidential and are vital in helping us make business decisions and shape future services.

If you would like to request to be involved, would like to opt-out of surveys to get more information, please contact our Quality and Performance Team 0800 678 1894 or email


Why is this survey taking place?

Torus are conducting a STAR survey to help understand tenant and leaseholder satisfaction and how the services offered could be improved. Feedback to this survey is extremely valuable and will help to inform the us on future decision making.

What is STAR?

The Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) is the nationally recognised industry standard survey of tenant and leaseholder satisfaction. It is carried out by over 300 social housing providers. Councils, Housing Associations, and Arm’s Length Management Organisations (ALMOs), all participate in STAR. The survey follows a design developed by HouseMark, who are the leading provider of housing benchmarking services for the UK.

Is the survey legitimate?

Yes – the survey is being ran by IFF-Voluntas, on behalf of Torus. IFF-Voluntas are a social research and behavioural insights consultant based in Birmingham.

How will surveys be distributed?

Those in the 6,000 sample selected to complete a survey will be contacted by phone or email. Calls will be made between 8am-9pm.

What number will IFF-Voluntas be calling from?

The calls will come from 0203 148 7717 (changed on 1 August 2022, was 0203 148 7719).

Will my answers be anonymous?

Yes – all surveys will be returned to IFF-Voluntas who will compile the data and feedback regularly Torus. Any identifying or personal data will not be provided with your answers back to Torus unless you give your permission to do so in the survey.

Do I have to complete the survey?

No – completing the survey is not mandatory. However, we value your feedback.

What if I want to opt out?

If you would like to opt out of the survey and not receive any reminders, please contact our Quality and Performance Team on 0800 678 1894 or email

How will the results be used?

The results from the survey will inform service improvement priorities. Where residents’ responses highlight particular services areas for improvement, then that will be reflected in the way in which we plan our work and set our priorities for the coming year.

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