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What are non-collectable weeks?

Updated: 16 January 2024

IMPORTANT: Non-collectable weeks only apply to Legacy Torus tenants (Warrington and St Helens).

Depending on your tenancy, your rent may be calculated over 50 weeks.

This means that if your rent account is clear and you are up to date with your payments in December, you may enjoy two weeks without paying. This is usually the last two weeks of December. We call these the non-collectable weeks.

Please note that tenancies vary across Torus, so non-collectable weeks do not apply to all customers, including for new tenants from 31 March 2020.  If you are in doubt, please check your tenancy agreements or contact us to confirm.

For 2024 the non-collectable weeks are the weeks commencing 23 and 30 December.

Remember, rent is paid in advance, so your rent account must be at least one week in credit to benefit from the non-collectable weeks.

If your account is in arrears you must continue to pay your rent as usual.

What if I pay by Direct Debit?

If you pay by monthly/by Direct Debit etc., your 50-week rent charge is spread out over 12 equal payments so the amount due will already have taken into account the non-collectable weeks and your regular payment should be made as usual.